We all are in a continuous
process of evolution and transformation. Our ideas, feelings, experiences, and
emotions change over time, and even our interpretations of those changes. Going
from one state to another evolving and mutating. From softness to hardness,
from light to dark, open and close, artificial and organic.
This is and exploration of
the concept of maturing. The piece is a reflection on the idea that the only
constant is life is change. We were inspired by natural symmetries and
projective geometry. The willow sticks create a motif that reflect the dynamism of mathematics and nature. The whole structure is secured with jute thread, placed
on top a metal platform. The piece is design to decay with time, chage with seasons, and eventually completly breakdown.
This project was a collaboration with Faezeh Sadeghi for Aalto University and ACRE. Below you can find pictures of the process, sketches and setup of the final piece.