Off the Wall

Off The Wall was an audiovisual exhibition screening presented as special programming for Aavistus Festival in October 2024. The works selected as part of this exhibition is curated in addition to Aavistus festival focussing on "screened" works as opposed to the other performance-based presentations taking place during the festival. It is intended to support emerging artists in the field of new media exploring new longer format visualizations. The screening will feature works by 10+ international artists touching on the main festival theme of "at the points of interconnections". 

This is a great example of collaboration and managing. We had to deal with different stakeholders such as the museum venues, the artist, the production company, the equipment setup and the overall inclusion to the larger festival. For this project I was a curator, AV technician, director, producer and created the simulations for the identity of the screening.

More information and showcase here.